Friday, December 19, 2008

Christmas is coming!

"I am no longer dreaming of a white Christmas!"

It is here.

Today it snowed about 6 inches and it is supposed to continue tonight.

Jack and I played outside all bundled up in snow pants, jackets, coats, boots, gloves and hats.

I wish I had taken my camera out there!

I'm not a fan of the bitter cold or even the slightly bitter cold, so I can never justify living in the North because of the COLD. But today, seeing Jack out there with his mouth open looking up into the sky with a bed of white beautiful virgin snow out there... I couldn't help think, "this is nice."

I think scenes like that influence people to move up to the cold states. Not me, I won't be fooled. I'll take my Texas hot and dry any day of the year.

Don't get me wrong, I'm having a blast up here, but man. It's cold. Today I looked at the thermometer and it said 23 degrees.

Thats 9 unnecisary degrees -not required in keeping the snow frozen.


No worries tonight though. Ty is all snuggled in his bed, I'm sure with the visions of sugarplums or whatever.

Jack is being put down by Mema. He probably got her to read a few books to him before going to sleep.

Mike, Dad, Chelsey, Laura (Chelsey's friend who is staying here cause she has no power at her house due to an ice storm that came through a week -yes a week ago), Mom and I are about to play THE GAME OF LIFE.

Then we will roast marshmallows in the fireplace before watching the new batman.

I'm excited!

I hope all of you are having a terrific time with friends or family and really getting to love on your peeps this Christmas.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ohh man! I was about to ask where the pictures of snow were...but nevermind since you don't have your camera. Doesn't anyone up there own a camera? :) ...Can't WAIT to see you guys again!