Tuesday, January 13, 2009


For the last few days I have been sad.

Sad about my friends who are sad.

My friends who have recently lost their babies.

I know things like this have been happening for, well since the beginning of sin. That is when death entered the world. But the last month has been plagued with miscarriages. Last time I checked it was 1 out of every 3 or 4 pregnancy would be miscarried.

I understand that it happens, but I am sad.

I wish I could be used by our gracious God to minister to these women more. I want to show love and compassion -as Christ would, to those who hurt and mourn for their child. Yet, there's just not a lot I can do. And if there is more that I can do, I don't know what it is. If I knew I'd do it.

But what?

All I know right now is to be faithful to pray for my friends. I hope you will join me.

Here are their names:








Cinda Boshart said...

Becca, I will pray for your friends.


Lia's Mom said...

Becca,you are a blessing to so many. I encourage you to sign up for Karen Leath's seminar at the upcoming retreat - the topic is on how to minister to the hurting. If you are not able to go to the retreat, still meet with Karen, she is a woman of great wisdom!