Saturday, February 27, 2010

Mike and Drew

Well there's a couple of war heroes for you.

The guy on the left is actually Mike! Who knew? He prefers to wear a disguise while in the desert.

The handsome guy is my cousin Drew.

They met up in an undisclosed location in the Middle East. Oh no,... I shouldn't have said that on my blog, now people will know we have soldiers in the Middle East.

Mike happened by the location where Drew is and they arranged a picture on the plane.

Pretty cool.

Drew and Mike, thanks for what you do. We're all proud of you, don't think your work and sacrifice goes unnoticed. We miss you and will be excited to have you back home again!


Trisha said...

Thank you for posting that! We will be SO excited for when they get home from that undisclosed location! =D

Stan Boshart said...

LOL!!! I love the disguise. I have been thinking about growing one for "Mustache March".

Great picture, that is so cool that they got to meet up.


grace said...

very cool!

...except for mike's dirrty mexistache. haha

Anonymous said...

Mustache Mike!

I'd be interested in seeing Stan with a Mustache too!


Cinda Boshart said...

What fun to see them together on the other side of the globe! I love them both and pray God's blessing and protection on them and their families back here.

Unknown said...

Can't believe you're hating on the stash, Bec. He's fighting for your freedom.

Stan Boshart said...

Good point Lawson. i retract my comment.

Anonymous said...

Already people! I know everyone is jealous of this awesome mustache, or as the natives have called me, "the one with whom the stache favors". My goal is to work towards the term, 'peda-stache', the greatest honor that can be bestowed on a person with a mustache. Grace, if your gonna hate, you should try growing a mustache! Might work with the guys in Italy, you never know.


Anonymous said...

*cracks up*
Let us know if it works, Grace. :)

That is SO cool they got to meet up! Have Grandpa and Grandma seen this picture yet?
Sarah H.

Stan Boshart said...


beccaellis said...

What does that mean?

Stan Boshart said...

Becca - it means:


Unknown said...

(I Love Stan And Love That He Uses Cool Acronyms)

Unknown said...