Wednesday, April 8, 2009


It is almost (but not) for sure that Mike will not be coming home. There doesn’t seem much way for the swap to be made but the leadership still hasn’t given them a “yes” or “no”.

It amazes me how much there is to know, about life I mean. It truly is my heart’s longing to live an exceptional God-led life. I believe God when he says: if you follow my commands IT WILL GO WELL WITH YOU.

I believe him.

Sometimes I just don’t understand his commands. An example is the whole topic of giving. Jesus told the rich young ruler to sell all that he had and to follow after Him. The poor woman who gave a little amount of money, but all she had was commended. The New Testament church was told “give to everyone as there is a need.”

What does that mean for Mike and me?

I don’t know.

Mike and I talked about this for a long time on the phone the other day. We are both of the mindset that we want to give and we want to be obedient to God, but I don’t feel like we ever decided how we need to live out those Scriptures.

I’m a very black and white person (I think I’ve mentioned that before). Tell me what to do!!! Don’t give me extreme examples if I’m not supposed to follow them. I am so confused. It seems like we are REALLY supposed to give all we have, but then, is that right? No one does that. Are we all living a less than obedient life?

I don’t want to obey half way. I want to follow. I want to do it completely. I want “it to go well with me.” We own two cars, two computers, furniture, I get the dog groomed, I eat out, I hire babysitters I live a very comfortable life… does this need to end so that we can give it all?

If we are to give as there is a need, then we should probably not have anything left because there is always a need somewhere in the world.

Also, what is an acceptable way to give? If someone needs a car, should we spend little money and give a sorry car or should we give lots of money and get a nice car? If we do get the nice car, is that being a good steward of our money?

Do you see all the questions I have? I beg of you to give me insight if you have any.

I want to follow.


Carolyn said...

You have to do what God calls YOU to do...He doesn't ask ALL of us to give EVERYTHING. It's about your heart~is it right in the matter?
OK~ here's a personal example.....back when we used to have Life Groups, we had about 6 or 7 families in ours. One of our families had fallen on hard times finacially and were really struggling. The others of us decided to do what we could to help them. There were groceries brought, gift cards, cash, etc, one Sunday night and then we just spent the rest of the time praying for them. Russ and I were actually going through some rough financial times too and we had nothing monetarily to give. We did, however, have quite a bit of deer meat in the freezer from a hunt. God prompted us to give 6lbs of ground deer to them, so that's what we did.
I know this is getting long~bear with me, almost through....several weeks later the wife said to me, "I want to tell you how God blessed us through your gift" She proceeds to tell me that two weeks prior, she had gone to the freezer to get food for supper and grabbed a package of meat~noticing that, after that night, there was ONE left. Next time~knowing it would be the last package~there were two packages. That happened two more times....until the very day her husband was able to get paid again and they could buy their own groceries.
That's what I think it means to "give everything you have". We were obedient even though we had our own need, and God made our gift last until He could provide in a different way.
Do what you feel GOD wants you to do and don't compare yourself with others.....also, read those passages in their entire context. WHY was Jesus asking that man to give everything?? I think you'll find that he had a heart issue. But, be looking and listening for ways to give more, if that's what you feel God would have you do~remembering too, that giving is not just about money and things.

You have inspired me today~Carolyn

Anonymous said...

Just checking this for now. I love to read about you, Jack, and ty.


beccaellis said...

Thanks Carolyn!!! I really hate getting the "It's a heart issue" answer, but you've explained things very well. I guess the answer is just be in tune to the Holy Spirt and give when prompted?

thanks for writing all this.

Anonymous said...

I suggest you read "Revolution in World Missions" it speaks of this issue. I have a copy if you would like to borrow it.