Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Before 8

0500 Wake up and realize I'd left the sprinkler on all night.

Get up, shut it off.

Back to bed. Can't go to sleep again. Is this where it starts Mom? When did you start not being able to fall asleep again in the early morning hours?

6ish Jack and Ty wake up.

Change Jack's clothes (accident)

I make coffee, oatmeal pancakes and juice sippies

Feed the boys.

Reheat my coffee.

Jack needs to go potty.

Doesn't make it.

It's solid (ish)

All over the bathroom floor.

and him

and the toilet.

Clean it up.

Bathe Jack.

Let Ty out of his high chair.

Wash Jack's sheets.

Clean the kitchen.

Reheat my coffee.

play with the alphabet on the fridge with J & T.

Get my coffee out of the microwave.

Don't pay attention and spill it on my belly.

Scream without any sound.

1st degree burn.

Ice on my belly.

Walk to Mandy's across the road.

Borrow aloe gel.

Come up to the computer with gel all over my belly and write about the first 3 hours of the day.

Anyone have an interesting story for the day?

Share it.

I need to reapply.


beccaellis said...

Mom, you are my hero. I don't know how you did it. You must be a little nuts. I'm amazed by you. You've got to come out here and give me a refresher course on everything you know.

Last night Jack had to be *disciplined* about 8 or 9 times before he finally fell asleep. It was sad. Not sure what to do with him.

Anonymous said...

Becca, its sounds like you had an interesting morning... (or is this normal?:)) You are the best... I couldn't handle it!

Love you, Laura! (:

Mark Hutchins said...

Did you ever get to drink any coffee?

Cinda Boshart said...

Bec, I think I am nuts! But I'm so blessed by the results of my crazy days of raising you. And don't forget that Dad was right there doing it all with me.

Have you ever heard me say that with each child a little more of "self" was carved away?

Whatever you do, though, don't put any person in hero status (except maybe Mother Teresa). Just this morning I was really convicted when I read Jesus say that everything we say in darkness will one day be exposed in the light. I've been critical of some people to some of my co-workers and I sure wouldn't want those people to hear it! I'm just a work in progress like you.

Anonymous said...

hahah rebecca,
gabby and i sit in BCIS tuesday, thursday and fridays laughing at your blog. :)
cant wait to come stay with you, i will be getting up with the boys and letting you sleep, but dont be planning anything during nap time, because ill be sleepin. :)
