Wednesday, May 13, 2009


I need your help.

I am trying to decide whether or not to cut off most of Jack's hair.

Short summer cut or not?

What should I do?


Chris said...

I think you should go with the Mr. Clean look.

The Jenkins said...

I dig Jack's hair the way it is, it's awesome!

Lawson said...

It will grow back.

That's Caroline's philosophy.

Might get in trouble for that one. :)

Anonymous said...

Please don't cut it!


Nice photo too!

Anonymous said...

I say leave it long.


Carolyn said...

ask Mike next time you talk to him......nothing like passing the buck!

Cinda Boshart said...

Is his hair cut yet? If not, I say leave it long. Just cut it short enough so it doesn't bug him.

Caroline said...

Leave it long!

Lawson, this is different.